A Teckelstein Tale of the First Christmas
Apparently Three Wise Men and Some Shepherds needed a little help to reach that stable and witness a special event.
Night had came. Shadows deepened on the eastern slopes falling away from Bethlehem to the river Jordan and the road that brought traders merchants and tonight a monster.
Gwillo and his hounds did notice the stars seemed brighter than usual but he was looking away from the stars down towards the shadows waiting to see if they moved.
Suddenly it grew even colder and the hounds sniffed and growled and the sheep grew silent in their pens even the lambs and one of the shepherd's dogs whined fearfully.
Gwillo moved towards the shadow.
"Softly quietly lads and lassies let's see who's stalking who?"
The shadow stopped seemed to grow taller and turned north towards the road to Jerusalem.
In the distance Gwillo could see lights. He and the shadow moved towards them. A caravan had set up tents with lanterns on poles before them around fires. The tents were unusual styles not those of the local nomads. One seemed to be Egyptian or African the other possibly Parthian and a third tent was round not square. The fire and lantern light also showed these were tents made for wealthy people with no patches or sagging sections where a support or prop had broken and not been replaced. They were large tall tents a person could stand up inside of. And the lanterns were gold not copper!
The shadow that moved shrieked a cry of pain and envy.
"Aho one of those are you?" thought Gwillo who in the past had been called on to hunt men who were monsters. He still thought he was stalking a man wearing a dark cloak dyed a motley of colors that blended with the night shadows probably with pieces of shrub or plant or fur added to break up his outline.
From the distant fire chanting came and the scent of spices but the shadow moved closer. Gwillo followed.
The shadow stopped suddenly as if a fence or wall was there and instead of walking in a straight line moved off as if there was a circle around the camp. Someone closer to the fire got up and walked in a circle around it and just for a moment Gwillo thought he could see lines of light or a faint glow surging out in a pattern.
The shadow moved onwards and closer towards a group of what looked like camels maybe lying around or next to a heap of supplies covered with canvas. On the other side of the camels was a horseline with a guard.
The shadow started to scream again and the horses panicked and the camels rose to their feet.
Gwill and his pack started running crying out.
"Oy I know that Trick. Stay away thief you want to frighten those horses so they stampede through the camp!"
The shadow stopped and stood still arising its arms ... of which it seemed to have more than two.
Gwillo blinked. The dogs growled.
"NO its two men together carrying spears!" He thought and cried a command.
"High and low boys and girls high and low!"
The dogs knew their job. Jump up and grab a corner of clothing to hinder or divert the thrust of a sword or spear. Circle around feet and grab a cuff or end of a lacing of a boot or sandal or butt and shove an ankle to make their prey lose their balance or concentration. And bark! Deep loud barks tearing straight the darkness!
They charged and leapt and yelped as they landed shivering and shaking as if they leapt into cold water. Gwillo swung his sword. It moved through the edge of the cloak as if the cloak already was made of shadows. Gwillo took one step back but only to regain his blance before he thrust a hunting spear at where a torso should be.
The spear passed through the shadow again. The shadow chittered mockingly and reached a limb out. One that looked that of a ... Gwillo though of an octopus he'd seen but octopuses had their beaks betwen their tentacles not at the end of a limb that curled and writhed and had thing sthat looked like long thorns instead of fingers.
Gwillo took another step back.
The Shadow spoke.
"Unguarded. Unsealed. Unsworn. Mine."
"Bait Take take take you dangle like fish on hook to lure wise away from protections."
The dogs shackled and growled at it.
"Bah little dogs" The shadow made a wheezing noise.
"Scent? scent of holy place! scent of North. Other powers.
Bah too small. Ruin blessing of wise. Poison spice. Will hinder binding of avatar to this realm. No Willing Sacrifice Nonsense. Break myth pattern."
The shadow grow taller and seemed to be about to throw itself over Gwillo.
"Hey you this knife is cold iron?"
"Not that kind of being!" taunted the shadow back. "Iron not pure blood use."
The stars suddenly grow brighter. Gwillo had the strangest feeling that somewhere behind him back up slope near where the shepherds were the cover had been removed from a very large bright lantern. He noticed two of his dogs were less afraid than others. Tau and Ankhet. Both of whom had silver amulets a tau cross and an ankh symbol. He'd had an exceptionally well paid job in Egypt for a temple and the priests had gave those two in particular amulets and collars they said were blessed. The other hounds only had copper or lead amulets hanging form their collars or coins with holes drilled on them.
Will Gwillo survive and stop the demon.
Join us for the next instalment of Teckelmas A Teckelsteiner First Christmas adventure.
and yes that bright light upslope is a certain messenger arriving.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Teckel mass One
Merry Xmas ... here's the first part of a Teckelsteiner Christmas Adventure
Learn how some of Sassy's ancestors helped to save the first Christmas at Bethlehem!
Ever wondered why the shepherds perceived the angelic host as a army?
Part One
A Teckelstein Tale of the First Christmas
I'm winding down to take an Christmas break since the girls have disappeared to go partying and tease people but before that break here's the Teckelstein version of the first Christmas.
Apparently Three Wise Men and Some Shepherds needed a little help to reach that stable and witness a special event.
Bethlehem about 4 BC or 0 BCE ... whatever
There's a planetary conjunction or a supernova or whatever unusual celestial paranormal or other phenomen will produce the appearance of a star parking over Bethlehem after sunset.
Meanwhile in the local magistrate's office a specialist mercenary from Southern Germania has arrived. His speciality was normally getting well paid for hunting predators that might attack Roman soldiers setting up a camp and being an advance scout watching out for hostile locals.
He's from a little valley that will later be known as Teckelstein where there are many let us say ... protodachels!
Small valiant brave hounds so fearless the local wild pigs run and hide next to the giant elk deep in the darkest parts of the forest!
One such small valiant pack had accompanied that specialist into the office to the annoyment of the clerks who had been enjoying a couple of glasses of wine and a platter of the GOOD cheese and the WHITE bread and were now being pestered for pieces of cheese by the pack while the specialist Gwillhelmianus was speaking to the magistrate.
" NO you Judeans have a final l in your language so surely you can say Gwillo? Or Uillson? Its so much shorter and easier?"
The magistrate glared and said
"I'm paying you not the Herodians or the Romans or the Temple.
Officially you're on leave but there's that little matter of the fight in the tavern about rooms and bookings and whether or not there was room in the tavern ...?
Some thing is bothering travellers on the roads. Some thing large and dark and sinister according to those travellers. Personally I think its just some lion or leopard or unusually large jackal thats come in from the desert but I need a expert now before there's a panic and one of the more sensible local herders tells me he's seen unusual tracks that he can't identify either so get out there and find out what it is before I have a delegation of irate smelly shepherders in my forecourt! Oh and if you're thinking of doing a runner ..."
The magistrate pointed at a cage on the floor,
"I have your prize hunting bitch who's about to whelp."
Gwillo growled.
"I'll need my weapons."
"Sign for them in the outer office." growled the magistrate back returning to the task of applying his seal to packets of census forms.
Gwillo glared at the contract he had to sign to get his weapons back.
It absolved the magistrate of any responibility to pay for medical treatment if he got hurt and was skilfully phrased to imply he was freelancing willingly for the magistrate.
"Hey there's no provision for a horse in this contract!"
The magistrate who didnt owe a horse himslef despite being one of the richest people in town snorted.
"... or a litter with bearers or a chariot but I could spare one donkey or a rding mule perhaps?"
Some hours later Gwillo his pack and an unhappy mule carrying camping and hunting equipment had reached a sheepfold and were inspecting some very bizarre prints. Either several predators were in the area or one beast of indeterminate shape. Gwillo had never hunted shapeshifters and knew from stories from other hunters most claims of shapeshifters were caused by people wearing special boots or shoes with patterned soles trying to frighten others but these prints were just odd, disturbingly odd, blurred in one set and the very next quite crisp.
Both blurred and crisp prints were heading east towards the main road and then stopped.
"Every night the tracks are further east and some thing moving disturbs the herd," stated the herder who had reported them to the magistrate. The tracks they stop at a spot overlooking the road as if whatever makes them is waiting for something or some one to arrive. They start where stories say was once a shrine to the old ones the others who demanded blood sacrifices of children and ... last night I looked down the hill when I walked away from the fires to the ditch for you know what and I saw a shadow moving from shadow to shadow but in a straight line aiming for the road. Then the dogs started howling and some of them run towards the fires and away from the herds and something howled back. And what howled back was not a dog or wolf."
The senior herder made a sign with his fingers that would have gotten him in extreme trouble from the local priests and levites.
Gwillo set up a cold camp of a hide to protect the mule and unpacked nets and weapons set up to be easily grabbed and spear in one hand sat watching in a spot half way between where the herders camped at night and the road from the east where he could see the route the tracks had taken so far. His pack of dwarf wolves patiently curled themselves up around his feet or beside him as they too waited for nightfall.
To be continued over the 12 days of Christmas!
Learn how some of Sassy's ancestors helped to save the first Christmas at Bethlehem!
Ever wondered why the shepherds perceived the angelic host as a army?
Part One
A Teckelstein Tale of the First Christmas
I'm winding down to take an Christmas break since the girls have disappeared to go partying and tease people but before that break here's the Teckelstein version of the first Christmas.
Apparently Three Wise Men and Some Shepherds needed a little help to reach that stable and witness a special event.
Bethlehem about 4 BC or 0 BCE ... whatever
There's a planetary conjunction or a supernova or whatever unusual celestial paranormal or other phenomen will produce the appearance of a star parking over Bethlehem after sunset.
Meanwhile in the local magistrate's office a specialist mercenary from Southern Germania has arrived. His speciality was normally getting well paid for hunting predators that might attack Roman soldiers setting up a camp and being an advance scout watching out for hostile locals.
He's from a little valley that will later be known as Teckelstein where there are many let us say ... protodachels!
Small valiant brave hounds so fearless the local wild pigs run and hide next to the giant elk deep in the darkest parts of the forest!
One such small valiant pack had accompanied that specialist into the office to the annoyment of the clerks who had been enjoying a couple of glasses of wine and a platter of the GOOD cheese and the WHITE bread and were now being pestered for pieces of cheese by the pack while the specialist Gwillhelmianus was speaking to the magistrate.
" NO you Judeans have a final l in your language so surely you can say Gwillo? Or Uillson? Its so much shorter and easier?"
The magistrate glared and said
"I'm paying you not the Herodians or the Romans or the Temple.
Officially you're on leave but there's that little matter of the fight in the tavern about rooms and bookings and whether or not there was room in the tavern ...?
Some thing is bothering travellers on the roads. Some thing large and dark and sinister according to those travellers. Personally I think its just some lion or leopard or unusually large jackal thats come in from the desert but I need a expert now before there's a panic and one of the more sensible local herders tells me he's seen unusual tracks that he can't identify either so get out there and find out what it is before I have a delegation of irate smelly shepherders in my forecourt! Oh and if you're thinking of doing a runner ..."
The magistrate pointed at a cage on the floor,
"I have your prize hunting bitch who's about to whelp."
Gwillo growled.
"I'll need my weapons."
"Sign for them in the outer office." growled the magistrate back returning to the task of applying his seal to packets of census forms.
Gwillo glared at the contract he had to sign to get his weapons back.
It absolved the magistrate of any responibility to pay for medical treatment if he got hurt and was skilfully phrased to imply he was freelancing willingly for the magistrate.
"Hey there's no provision for a horse in this contract!"
The magistrate who didnt owe a horse himslef despite being one of the richest people in town snorted.
"... or a litter with bearers or a chariot but I could spare one donkey or a rding mule perhaps?"
Some hours later Gwillo his pack and an unhappy mule carrying camping and hunting equipment had reached a sheepfold and were inspecting some very bizarre prints. Either several predators were in the area or one beast of indeterminate shape. Gwillo had never hunted shapeshifters and knew from stories from other hunters most claims of shapeshifters were caused by people wearing special boots or shoes with patterned soles trying to frighten others but these prints were just odd, disturbingly odd, blurred in one set and the very next quite crisp.
Both blurred and crisp prints were heading east towards the main road and then stopped.
"Every night the tracks are further east and some thing moving disturbs the herd," stated the herder who had reported them to the magistrate. The tracks they stop at a spot overlooking the road as if whatever makes them is waiting for something or some one to arrive. They start where stories say was once a shrine to the old ones the others who demanded blood sacrifices of children and ... last night I looked down the hill when I walked away from the fires to the ditch for you know what and I saw a shadow moving from shadow to shadow but in a straight line aiming for the road. Then the dogs started howling and some of them run towards the fires and away from the herds and something howled back. And what howled back was not a dog or wolf."
The senior herder made a sign with his fingers that would have gotten him in extreme trouble from the local priests and levites.
Gwillo set up a cold camp of a hide to protect the mule and unpacked nets and weapons set up to be easily grabbed and spear in one hand sat watching in a spot half way between where the herders camped at night and the road from the east where he could see the route the tracks had taken so far. His pack of dwarf wolves patiently curled themselves up around his feet or beside him as they too waited for nightfall.
To be continued over the 12 days of Christmas!
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Goullawk Queen Portrait
My portrait of Goldie.
No new stuff this week.
Sorry the girls escaped to go clubbing with various people.
Somewhere in the multiverse there's a night club owner with a huge damages bill.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Agent C to A.F. Teckelstein
This series of messages may explain why I don't have a regular posting schedule.
The Christmas / New Year Party season has started apparently.
Agent C*%#@*$ to A. F. Teckelstein.
Some one claiming to be your grand niece gave me your email address.
Please explain why and how she and her "galpal" the Goullawk are currently INFESTING my plane!
A. F. its VON Teckelstein to Agent what did you do with that cellist girlfriend ?
Ignore them or fed them sashimi. The dragonoid will eat any type with seafood.
Agent Cou know who don't you to A. F. Teckelstein
Now some one calling herself a Professor of Archaeology has shown up and they're trying to persuade my pilot to come night clubbing with them!
A. F. to Agent C
Its between filming seasons. Surely you can remember you're a fictional character in other universes now. You really haven't meet River before this?
Agent C to A. F. What do you mean "Fictional" OF cos I'm REAL and they "borrowed" LOLA! I ...!@$#$@!! TAHITI TAHITI TAHITI emergency reset Tahiti is a magical place ! ...
and that was all the correspondence I could get copies of ...
I pity the night club owner who gets Agent M a certain Doctor's Wife And Sassy and Goldie showing up to party.
The Christmas / New Year Party season has started apparently.
Agent C*%#@*$ to A. F. Teckelstein.
Some one claiming to be your grand niece gave me your email address.
Please explain why and how she and her "galpal" the Goullawk are currently INFESTING my plane!
A. F. its VON Teckelstein to Agent what did you do with that cellist girlfriend ?
Ignore them or fed them sashimi. The dragonoid will eat any type with seafood.
Agent Cou know who don't you to A. F. Teckelstein
Now some one calling herself a Professor of Archaeology has shown up and they're trying to persuade my pilot to come night clubbing with them!
A. F. to Agent C
Its between filming seasons. Surely you can remember you're a fictional character in other universes now. You really haven't meet River before this?
Agent C to A. F. What do you mean "Fictional" OF cos I'm REAL and they "borrowed" LOLA! I ...!@$#$@!! TAHITI TAHITI TAHITI emergency reset Tahiti is a magical place ! ...
and that was all the correspondence I could get copies of ...
I pity the night club owner who gets Agent M a certain Doctor's Wife And Sassy and Goldie showing up to party.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Down and Dumped in Whitechapel
Down and Dumped in Whitechapel.
While the Constructor and the gang from Pasadena tried to unlock or create an override for what they hoped was the control panel for the gateways a group of London coppers who had learnt they were fictional characters were sitting dejected in a pub. Except for their volunteer archivist who was over in his own booth being chatted up by fans.
The others were drinking heavily to the extent that the OCD guy was even ignoring his suit jacket had a stain. Sitting next to them was a blurry SFX who was babbling.
"I I i might not be a a a demon I i i might be a a a ghost or a a a time traveller or or or .."
"An annoying echo?" grumbled the teams father figure.
Then a ray of sunshine broke through the gloom as two figures appeared dressed in mid twentieth century walking clothes complete with sticks and canvas backpacks.
"Gentlemen can we buy you a round and discuss the current situation? We're giving out invitations to a very special event. A party with gifts."
"And wizardly fireworks!" chortled the other heartily.
The archivist who had read their books and recognised them got up and ran over to them gushing "A QUEST ! An invitation to a quest?"
Ron and Jack smiled.
While the Constructor and the gang from Pasadena tried to unlock or create an override for what they hoped was the control panel for the gateways a group of London coppers who had learnt they were fictional characters were sitting dejected in a pub. Except for their volunteer archivist who was over in his own booth being chatted up by fans.
The others were drinking heavily to the extent that the OCD guy was even ignoring his suit jacket had a stain. Sitting next to them was a blurry SFX who was babbling.
"I I i might not be a a a demon I i i might be a a a ghost or a a a time traveller or or or .."
"An annoying echo?" grumbled the teams father figure.
Then a ray of sunshine broke through the gloom as two figures appeared dressed in mid twentieth century walking clothes complete with sticks and canvas backpacks.
"Gentlemen can we buy you a round and discuss the current situation? We're giving out invitations to a very special event. A party with gifts."
"And wizardly fireworks!" chortled the other heartily.
The archivist who had read their books and recognised them got up and ran over to them gushing "A QUEST ! An invitation to a quest?"
Ron and Jack smiled.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
November 2013 recap ... our story so far
Previously on Temporal Pests.
Over on a certain section of the Multiverse regarded as fictional in ours entire universes and timelines are prone to frequent resets crisises crossovers and entanglements.
Fed up with being at the whim of sadistic editors writers and other creative sadomasochists and led by Mr. "L" villians from across that area of the multiverse and others nearby have attacked and occupied a NODE an pocket dimension that is a gateway to several others and have gained access to a Cintamani a wish granting jewel.
This time they're going to be in charge when the Multiverse converges and resets. However the Cintamani can only be used once by each user and then needs to recharge.
Meanwhile the people usually responsible for guarding the Cintamani have either been taken prisoner or freed from their usual character parameters are busily partying or in some cases punishing their creators.
But the Cintamani or its Creator has a strange sense of humor and as a consequence of a wish Teckelstein home of sentient dachshunds and other beings has had its access to other realities and the Multiverse cut off. This has had various consequences including attracting the attention of Sassy a Teckel Princess and her friend Goldie aka Gilda Dragonides a Goullawk queen.
Unfortunately for the villians their friends and allies include
a gunslinging time travelling archaeologist
yes her boyfriend might be a time traveller too
Reg the ONLY Dawllawk London taxi driver
(No relation to Daleks no what do you think?)
JonaHexed and his new girlfriend Vicki refugees from universes no longer having a steady fanbase.
Dr A a deeply scary civil Sorcerer who normally works for a department stuck with a code name referring to washing.
The girls and their allies have returned to the Node trying to gain access to the Cintamani to undone Mr L's and other wishes but despite or perhaps because of advice from Sassy's future self they are badly outnumbered and Goldie has been seriously squished by a giant robot.
It would seem they need more help.
Fortunately Saints Jack and Ron are on the job and rounding up more allies for them.
The Detectives are coming!
Over on a certain section of the Multiverse regarded as fictional in ours entire universes and timelines are prone to frequent resets crisises crossovers and entanglements.
Fed up with being at the whim of sadistic editors writers and other creative sadomasochists and led by Mr. "L" villians from across that area of the multiverse and others nearby have attacked and occupied a NODE an pocket dimension that is a gateway to several others and have gained access to a Cintamani a wish granting jewel.
This time they're going to be in charge when the Multiverse converges and resets. However the Cintamani can only be used once by each user and then needs to recharge.
Meanwhile the people usually responsible for guarding the Cintamani have either been taken prisoner or freed from their usual character parameters are busily partying or in some cases punishing their creators.
But the Cintamani or its Creator has a strange sense of humor and as a consequence of a wish Teckelstein home of sentient dachshunds and other beings has had its access to other realities and the Multiverse cut off. This has had various consequences including attracting the attention of Sassy a Teckel Princess and her friend Goldie aka Gilda Dragonides a Goullawk queen.
Unfortunately for the villians their friends and allies include
a gunslinging time travelling archaeologist
yes her boyfriend might be a time traveller too
Reg the ONLY Dawllawk London taxi driver
(No relation to Daleks no what do you think?)
JonaHexed and his new girlfriend Vicki refugees from universes no longer having a steady fanbase.
Dr A a deeply scary civil Sorcerer who normally works for a department stuck with a code name referring to washing.
The girls and their allies have returned to the Node trying to gain access to the Cintamani to undone Mr L's and other wishes but despite or perhaps because of advice from Sassy's future self they are badly outnumbered and Goldie has been seriously squished by a giant robot.
It would seem they need more help.
Fortunately Saints Jack and Ron are on the job and rounding up more allies for them.
The Detectives are coming!
cosmic crisis,
fan fiction,
Friday, 25 October 2013
The Opener of Gates continued
The PhDin Physics often compared to a Praying Mantis was bored.
Here he was trapped in a control room unable to control anything.
There was a fascinating battle going on outside involving what appeared to be several violations of the laws of physics and all he could do was watch and not even record any data!
It was with some relief he heard the familiar voices of his gang begging cursing and pleading with him to
" ... open the @#$%%^ S!@#$%^ door Open this door Sweetie Now!"
He was so pleased to see his friends that he even let the persuasive waitress hug him.
He was even happier when he learnt about the Constructor's new powers and he got to apply his very own sonic screwdriver to an access panel.
#totally#shamelessly #weird #fanfic #fantasy #cosmic #crisis #crossover
Here he was trapped in a control room unable to control anything.
There was a fascinating battle going on outside involving what appeared to be several violations of the laws of physics and all he could do was watch and not even record any data!
It was with some relief he heard the familiar voices of his gang begging cursing and pleading with him to
" ... open the @#$%%^ S!@#$%^ door Open this door Sweetie Now!"
He was so pleased to see his friends that he even let the persuasive waitress hug him.
He was even happier when he learnt about the Constructor's new powers and he got to apply his very own sonic screwdriver to an access panel.
#totally#shamelessly #weird #fanfic #fantasy #cosmic #crisis #crossover
Saturday, 19 October 2013
The Opener of Gates
The Opener of Gates
in a dark control room a cloaked figure sat waiting for something to happen sulking cos he had been given the job of monitoring the various portals.
in a dark control room a cloaked figure sat waiting for something to happen sulking cos he had been given the job of monitoring the various portals.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
a reminder
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I donate half of any tips I get to Local charities.
The rest goes towards upgrading my computer and software and other bills.
Friday, 4 October 2013
Help PR this series
Please encourage friends to visit and follow Temporal pests
Feed the Goullawk
Use the Paypal tip jar
Hit the Like Button
PR this on Social Media
HELP our characters get thru their crisis!
Feed the Goullawk
Use the Paypal tip jar
Hit the Like Button
PR this on Social Media
HELP our characters get thru their crisis!
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Pop goes the ...
Goldie remembered an odd feeling as if she had been squeezed through something.
She now seems to be floating in thin air not flying floating as if air was as dense as water.
She looked down. there was the battle to access the Cintamani.
She looked again. There was the foot print of a giant robot and in the middle of it a darker deeper indent rather Goullawk shaped.
Someone behind and above her spoke.
"You're not dead ... yet."
Tara aka Kuan Yin aka Lady Charity an avatar of compassion was smiling at her.
"I'm squished!" lamented Goldie.
"You don't have solid bones you have ultradense cartilage," stated Tara, "provided some one applies liquids you'll heal ... eventually."
"But we're having a crisis now!" shrieked Goldie, looking down at the mayhem below. Sassy had just had her fur scorched by a laser. JonaHexed and his new girlfriend were firing weaponry gallantly. The wizrds' sheilds were flickering and about to fail and Reg and HerInside were surrounded by cyborgs.
Oddly though the villians seemed to be avoiding the Doctorish Donna.
Goldie moaned.
"Not good!"
"Really!? Well yes your readership has dropped again but help is on the way."
Tara pointed at a building the Tech Support Crew from Pasadena and Princess Amy of the Apes were running towards.
"Behold the Opener of Gates!"
To be continued whenever I feel like it or when the reader numbers go up.
Goldie remembered an odd feeling as if she had been squeezed through something.
She now seems to be floating in thin air not flying floating as if air was as dense as water.
She looked down. there was the battle to access the Cintamani.
She looked again. There was the foot print of a giant robot and in the middle of it a darker deeper indent rather Goullawk shaped.
Someone behind and above her spoke.
"You're not dead ... yet."
Tara aka Kuan Yin aka Lady Charity an avatar of compassion was smiling at her.
"I'm squished!" lamented Goldie.
"You don't have solid bones you have ultradense cartilage," stated Tara, "provided some one applies liquids you'll heal ... eventually."
"But we're having a crisis now!" shrieked Goldie, looking down at the mayhem below. Sassy had just had her fur scorched by a laser. JonaHexed and his new girlfriend were firing weaponry gallantly. The wizrds' sheilds were flickering and about to fail and Reg and HerInside were surrounded by cyborgs.
Oddly though the villians seemed to be avoiding the Doctorish Donna.
Goldie moaned.
"Not good!"
"Really!? Well yes your readership has dropped again but help is on the way."
Tara pointed at a building the Tech Support Crew from Pasadena and Princess Amy of the Apes were running towards.
"Behold the Opener of Gates!"
To be continued whenever I feel like it or when the reader numbers go up.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Finally a Battle
Finally a Battle Scene.
Well almost there!
"Okay people final checklist!
Do we have ...
Guns that look so heavy you should fall over trying to pick one up.
Assorted swords knifes and artifacts techno and magical.
Wizards. Dragons. Witches.
A half horse and a Horde of Lost girls.
People from Pasadena for technical and other support.
Dodos and a whole family of people comfortable with the idea of them being fictional and real at the same time.
A vortex manipulator adjusted to fit a Dachshund.
Londons finest Immigrant Taxi driver and his cyborg wife.
Space people and ..."
"Oi oi oy am I too late?" shouted a ginger headed woman leaping out of a car driven by her grandfather.
Yes gentle readers due to the cosmic crisis a certain ginger Donna's not dim any more and can be doctorish without her brain exploding.
The Doctorish Donna has returned!
"Do we have a battle plan though?" asked a character,"we're out gunned out powered and outnumbered by villianry and henchfolk?"
"We're the heroes restoring balance to the multiverse of course we win!" barked sassy confidently.
Another character made a dark inquiry.
"Don't these cosmic resets usually require a tragic sacrifice or great loss of some one?"
"You'ld be surprised what you can lose and still survive and love," responded Fluvia somewhat grimly.
JonaHexed looked at fluvia and asked,
"There's this rumor you're been talking to your future self ..."
"Oh that rumor that my future self gets uploaded into a planet sized AI and that with that much power I could maybe transcend time and space ... just a rumor!" smirked Fluvia.
(Scribal note you have figured out who fluvia is by now gentle readers?)
"Yes well do we have a battle plan?"
"Teamwork just like in WOW!" shouted one of the People from Pasadena.
"Seriously we need a plan!"
"Okay" stated D.E.M. "We go to the Node kick butt majorly and sieze control of the Node and put everything back the way it was!"
"We could make things better?" some one asked wistfully.
"lets just finish loading and up up and away!" barked Sassy.
Gentle readers if you've dropped in the Node is one of those places outside our universe from which one can access and even alter several parts of the Multiverse. The technology or device for doing this is called a Cintamani in Sanksrit. Think Wishing Jewel Psionic Amplifier Laran Stone Infinity Gem Cosmic Crystal Cubic thingies ... getting the idea?
A leading Villian Mr L tired of all the endless reality resets along with a few dozen of his friends and frenemies and allies has over run the Node and made a wish that caused realities and fictionalities to converge with our reality.
Sitcom characters and superheroes and a few antiheroic types who normally deal with these crises this time are aware they have artists and authors and are harassing their creators instead of trying to fix the crisis.
Example this battle via Skype.
Two familiar faces of consulting detectives are screaming at each other via their computer monitors
"I'm the REAL Sher ...
Meanwhile in the background two Doctors with the same family name but differing ethncities are conversing via their mobiles
"Sooo in this new reality we have the same great grand parent and one of his children went to Hong Kong and the other stayed in Britain and ..."
Who's left to fix things ? Sassy a sentient dachshund and Goldie a Dragonoid and an assortment of characters.
Lady Zen Shipper took off from Respite Street heading for a battle even more deadly than that between two massive yet immature egos with giant intellects and an emotional age not particularly adult.
The Node seemed curiously empty. Lady Zen landed facing the Cintamani Shrine which seemed to rise unguarded from a field of grass like growths surrounded by a forest of trees.
There was however a large slab of crystal nearby displaying a map of the current configuration of the Node.
Princess Amy of the Apes was Invisible again and wandered over to the crystal. She touched it just to see what would happen and a path appeared in red from the Node to a spot marked Gate Control and Your true love is here!"
Amy of the Apes briefly shifted into Princess Mode,became visible, picked up her skirts and begun to ran. The Pasadena People followed her.
"Hey wait you're our tech support don't run off!" screamed Jonahexed.
And that of course was when the giant robots appeared.
Sentinels Battle Suits Iron Giants Computos dropped their cloaking fileds and moved to surround Lady Zen Shipper. Evil cyborgs droids robots nanoswarms and other synthetic beings raced towards them.
The Wizards of London raised a shield over our valiant minority.
Then to add to their problems several infamous sorcerers necromancers wizards dark mages and wicked witches along with their minions familiars and pet demons and monsters joined the forces arrayed against them.
"Come moving forward everyone!" shouted DEM slashing at a tentacled montrosity while JonaHexed blasted a group of minor rock demons with fragmentation rounds and Fluvia fired her guns. The equine person was using a vintage machine pistol. The Lost Girls were using swords nunchakus, and winsomely sweet innocent smiles that caused several people to have to stop and throw up. The dodos were running around in chaotic circles plocking and confusing the villians who couldn't decide each one to shoot first. The people from Swindon employed a wide variety of weaponry they'd collected over the years and then ... it happened.
Goldie raced ahead on her rocket sled beyond the wizards' shields just as a giant robot foot slammed to the ground.
There was a large deep footprint and no sign of the Goullawk.
"Keep moving!" shrieked DEM grabbing Sassy by her collar as she tried to reach the hole in the ground.
To be continued.
Do Goullawks really have a high body density best compared to rubber?
Will Amy of the Apes find her lost love and receive true Love's kiss.
Where are those backup dragons?
And why haven't the forces of Teckelstein arrived yet?
Questions to be answered some time in the future.
Well almost there!
"Okay people final checklist!
Do we have ...
Guns that look so heavy you should fall over trying to pick one up.
Assorted swords knifes and artifacts techno and magical.
Wizards. Dragons. Witches.
A half horse and a Horde of Lost girls.
People from Pasadena for technical and other support.
Dodos and a whole family of people comfortable with the idea of them being fictional and real at the same time.
A vortex manipulator adjusted to fit a Dachshund.
Londons finest Immigrant Taxi driver and his cyborg wife.
Space people and ..."
"Oi oi oy am I too late?" shouted a ginger headed woman leaping out of a car driven by her grandfather.
Yes gentle readers due to the cosmic crisis a certain ginger Donna's not dim any more and can be doctorish without her brain exploding.
The Doctorish Donna has returned!
"Do we have a battle plan though?" asked a character,"we're out gunned out powered and outnumbered by villianry and henchfolk?"
"We're the heroes restoring balance to the multiverse of course we win!" barked sassy confidently.
Another character made a dark inquiry.
"Don't these cosmic resets usually require a tragic sacrifice or great loss of some one?"
"You'ld be surprised what you can lose and still survive and love," responded Fluvia somewhat grimly.
JonaHexed looked at fluvia and asked,
"There's this rumor you're been talking to your future self ..."
"Oh that rumor that my future self gets uploaded into a planet sized AI and that with that much power I could maybe transcend time and space ... just a rumor!" smirked Fluvia.
(Scribal note you have figured out who fluvia is by now gentle readers?)
"Yes well do we have a battle plan?"
"Teamwork just like in WOW!" shouted one of the People from Pasadena.
"Seriously we need a plan!"
"Okay" stated D.E.M. "We go to the Node kick butt majorly and sieze control of the Node and put everything back the way it was!"
"We could make things better?" some one asked wistfully.
"lets just finish loading and up up and away!" barked Sassy.
Gentle readers if you've dropped in the Node is one of those places outside our universe from which one can access and even alter several parts of the Multiverse. The technology or device for doing this is called a Cintamani in Sanksrit. Think Wishing Jewel Psionic Amplifier Laran Stone Infinity Gem Cosmic Crystal Cubic thingies ... getting the idea?
A leading Villian Mr L tired of all the endless reality resets along with a few dozen of his friends and frenemies and allies has over run the Node and made a wish that caused realities and fictionalities to converge with our reality.
Sitcom characters and superheroes and a few antiheroic types who normally deal with these crises this time are aware they have artists and authors and are harassing their creators instead of trying to fix the crisis.
Example this battle via Skype.
Two familiar faces of consulting detectives are screaming at each other via their computer monitors
"I'm the REAL Sher ...
Meanwhile in the background two Doctors with the same family name but differing ethncities are conversing via their mobiles
"Sooo in this new reality we have the same great grand parent and one of his children went to Hong Kong and the other stayed in Britain and ..."
Who's left to fix things ? Sassy a sentient dachshund and Goldie a Dragonoid and an assortment of characters.
Lady Zen Shipper took off from Respite Street heading for a battle even more deadly than that between two massive yet immature egos with giant intellects and an emotional age not particularly adult.
The Node seemed curiously empty. Lady Zen landed facing the Cintamani Shrine which seemed to rise unguarded from a field of grass like growths surrounded by a forest of trees.
There was however a large slab of crystal nearby displaying a map of the current configuration of the Node.
Princess Amy of the Apes was Invisible again and wandered over to the crystal. She touched it just to see what would happen and a path appeared in red from the Node to a spot marked Gate Control and Your true love is here!"
Amy of the Apes briefly shifted into Princess Mode,became visible, picked up her skirts and begun to ran. The Pasadena People followed her.
"Hey wait you're our tech support don't run off!" screamed Jonahexed.
And that of course was when the giant robots appeared.
Sentinels Battle Suits Iron Giants Computos dropped their cloaking fileds and moved to surround Lady Zen Shipper. Evil cyborgs droids robots nanoswarms and other synthetic beings raced towards them.
The Wizards of London raised a shield over our valiant minority.
Then to add to their problems several infamous sorcerers necromancers wizards dark mages and wicked witches along with their minions familiars and pet demons and monsters joined the forces arrayed against them.
"Come moving forward everyone!" shouted DEM slashing at a tentacled montrosity while JonaHexed blasted a group of minor rock demons with fragmentation rounds and Fluvia fired her guns. The equine person was using a vintage machine pistol. The Lost Girls were using swords nunchakus, and winsomely sweet innocent smiles that caused several people to have to stop and throw up. The dodos were running around in chaotic circles plocking and confusing the villians who couldn't decide each one to shoot first. The people from Swindon employed a wide variety of weaponry they'd collected over the years and then ... it happened.
Goldie raced ahead on her rocket sled beyond the wizards' shields just as a giant robot foot slammed to the ground.
There was a large deep footprint and no sign of the Goullawk.
"Keep moving!" shrieked DEM grabbing Sassy by her collar as she tried to reach the hole in the ground.
To be continued.
Do Goullawks really have a high body density best compared to rubber?
Will Amy of the Apes find her lost love and receive true Love's kiss.
Where are those backup dragons?
And why haven't the forces of Teckelstein arrived yet?
Questions to be answered some time in the future.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
A MESSAGE FROM THE (c0) Star of this series
Ms. Gilda Dragonides aka Goldie the Goullawk,
Despite Sassy and My multiple efforts to distract divert and otherwise cheer up and inspire the Scribe she's still only half way through the next chapter due to the tasks involved in something called clearing a estate which apparently involves paperwork throwing out lots of stuff and photographing and putting up ads for other stuff instead of drawing and writing about me and Sassy.
Please read the prior posts oh and will someone please use the paypal tip jar ?
A MESSAGE FROM THE (c0) Star of this series
Ms. Gilda Dragonides aka Goldie the Goullawk,
![]() |
Copyright Julie Vaux 2013 |
Please read the prior posts oh and will someone please use the paypal tip jar ?
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
meet the constructor again
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Meet the Constructor !
(New extended revised version of an earlier post.)
and a few other familiar faces
YES Again You'll be gettign flashbacks until I get some Pyapal donations or time to finish the first part of the big battle scene.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sassy looking at the scanner, "We didn't vaporize most of Pasadena though it is a bit singed ..."
"well" cackled Jonahexed grabbing his hands together, "Now to see if our evil plan worked hehehe.
Flavia slapped him.
"I told him not to dress up in that horror movie outfit!"
She grabbed him by an ear.
"Bath time for you in blessed water!
Fortunately I'm used to handling adults who act like twelve year olds!"
JonaHexed whimpered and inside his container Dark Caper giggled and crooned.
People who had been possessed by him were prone to lingering moments of odd behaviour.
"So dramatic entrance via teleport to see if we zapped the Gang?" asked Goldie,"and can I wear my Power Goullawk vest?"
"The one you cut down from Pee Gee's old outfits?" asked Fluvia,"ah does it still have the ... ???"
"Humph I took out the gag boobs!" snapped Goldie, who didn't understand why people had complained about them. Especially since many of the complaints were form male persons who regarded PeeGee's figure as "healthy yet the sight of Goullawk Queen wearing a lyra top with falsies inserted as perverse and not parody.
Meanwhile several thousand feet below smoke was clearing and clothes had changed.
"Howie," squealed Mrs Wolowiz,"you look awesome!"
"In a strangely Kirbysque way?" observed Leon.
The Waitress was now wearing a white and gold outfit with a large P on the very tight front and Mrs Wolowiz a miniskirt thigh high boots and a swimsuit apparently designed by Mike Grell.
Leon was just about to realise his own outfit now resembled Coluan Haute Couture circa the thirty first century when a classic Trek teleport sfx filled the middle of the room.
"oh nooo!" moaned Super Pandit in his delightful accent,"it is the little doggie and the very nagging mini naga queen and ... hello mature but sexy I'm Raaa ..."
Goldie slapped him into silence.
Becoming Super pandit had cured his selective mutism.
Fluvia just looked bemused.
"Sorry sweetie I have a man!"
"look Ladies just why are you here?" asked Leon," and aren't you Riv...?"
"Hush sweetie we don't want to attract any copyright lawyers with no sense of humor?!"
"My future self told me to arrange an "accident" so you'ld all get super powers and we can return to the Node and reset reality," explained Sassy.
"Reset reality? Why we have super powers now!" protested Wolowiz.
"Well apart from the fact Super Pandit is probably going to get himself killed hitting on someone with more powers than him ... " as she said this Super Pandit was hovering in a position that allowed him a close up view of Fluvia's cleavage, " ... take a look at the news update showing on the TV.
"Yes it's official folks we have several versions of the Justice League and Avengers fighting about who the real ones are in the streets of Manhattan and we're about to cross over for an exclusive interviews with Guy Gardener who claims to be the one and only real Green Lantern.
"Our reality now includes Guy Gardener? Okay that could be a problem ... "
"And what if Galactus or Thanos are real now or did you miss the story about Latveria?" asked Sassy.
Leon shuddered.
Sassy continued reading her notes.
"Oh Mr Wolowiz you are now the CONSTRUCTOR! Think about making something.
Wolowiz reached out a hand. Energy suddenly surged down it and a hover bike appeared.
"Hey can I have a new car?" asked the Waitress.
"Mmm that's your super power Persuasion!"
"And what do I do?" asked Mrs Wolowiz .
"mmm you're the Shrieker with super sonic shouting power according to my notes," answered Sassy.
"So ladies what can the CONSTRUCTOR imagineer for you?"
"Ah guys ... and ladies what about the other problem?" asked Leon pointing at the whiteboard.
A drawing had appeared of a bluejay pointing at a man wearing a black cape with a familiar expression of assumed superiority next to a symbol combining a flower and a spiral and a note saying Meemaw's Moonpie is with the super villians at the Node.
"What's the Node?" asked the Waitress,"A comic book shop?"
A message from our Scribe who has some brand new problems due to dealing with a relatives estate.
Hey will someone please use the Paypal box ?
No one had noticed that Princess Amy of the Apes had disappeared.
and not just because she had popped into the bathroom to see if her appearance had changed. It just kept changing to her horror.
One minute she was invisible then she was wearing a Disney princess outfit then she was a gorilla wearing the same ballgown then herself wearing a tee shirt with the logo bad monkey and a picture of one of her cigarette smoking lab subjects and she was a Vulcan or maybe a Romulan wearing an exotic scifi costume and heard a voice saying "True Love's Kiss can break this curse!"
Something that left a trial of glitter flitted out of the bathroom
"Was that Tinkerbell?"
"All abroad whoever's coming to look for Shellyboy or the Big Adventure of fixing the Universe"
An invisible and forgotten Princess Amy of the Apes just made it to the living room in time to follow the others over into a fantastic hover car the Constructor had made.
Monday, 29 July 2013
The Advent of D.E.M.
The Advent of D. E. M.
Back in London strane lights were dancing over the hills dragons were perched on St Paul's dome and in a famous store vampires and other shoppers were bickering and clawing at each other and the specials as Harrods was having a sales.
In Respite Street people were quietly and efficiently setting up tables in the street to feed the survivors and tallying up the injuries and damages. Some folk were busy chasing Doctor A's pet triffids who had gotten out of his garden when a wall collapsed and were trying to hide in a patch of shrubs to waylay passerbys in the commons at the end of the street.
Suddenly there was the unusual sound of horse hoofs on asphalt clattering down the street. Some one who seemed to be more or less female was riding a large horse who seemed to have been used as a model by Frank Frazetta towards Sassy and Goldie. The rider was riding a tee shirt with the words Darkover Ghost Wind Dancer on the front and jodphurs tucked improperly into cowboy boots and hair that was mostly silver flowed down from under a samurai style helmet.
"Hello I'm DEM the Divine Emergency Machina and yes that is a pun on Dea Ex Machina! Friends of friends asked me to assist you!"
Sassy peered at the list. Suddenly the name D. E. M. appeared in purple ink with red and gold outlines at the bottom along with a list of skills, very useful relevant weapon skills, experience with swords, naginata, sabres, muskets, archery, rifles, guns, and artillery.
"Are there going to be any more last minute additions to this or can we finally get to a battle scene?" asked Goldie.
Next ... yes finally a battle scene !
Back in London strane lights were dancing over the hills dragons were perched on St Paul's dome and in a famous store vampires and other shoppers were bickering and clawing at each other and the specials as Harrods was having a sales.
In Respite Street people were quietly and efficiently setting up tables in the street to feed the survivors and tallying up the injuries and damages. Some folk were busy chasing Doctor A's pet triffids who had gotten out of his garden when a wall collapsed and were trying to hide in a patch of shrubs to waylay passerbys in the commons at the end of the street.
Suddenly there was the unusual sound of horse hoofs on asphalt clattering down the street. Some one who seemed to be more or less female was riding a large horse who seemed to have been used as a model by Frank Frazetta towards Sassy and Goldie. The rider was riding a tee shirt with the words Darkover Ghost Wind Dancer on the front and jodphurs tucked improperly into cowboy boots and hair that was mostly silver flowed down from under a samurai style helmet.
"Hello I'm DEM the Divine Emergency Machina and yes that is a pun on Dea Ex Machina! Friends of friends asked me to assist you!"
Sassy peered at the list. Suddenly the name D. E. M. appeared in purple ink with red and gold outlines at the bottom along with a list of skills, very useful relevant weapon skills, experience with swords, naginata, sabres, muskets, archery, rifles, guns, and artillery.
"Are there going to be any more last minute additions to this or can we finally get to a battle scene?" asked Goldie.
Next ... yes finally a battle scene !
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Powering UP
Powering up
If rock could steam Teckelstein would look like a comet.
At the moment the shields were glowing various engines were throbbing humming vibrating shaking and overloading. Psionic amplifier crystals blazed as if stars were in their hearts or whole galaxies and perhaps given the strange places the crystals had been collected across the multiverse perhaps some of those stones did hold astronomical entities. The improbability drive was shivering rainbows. Out in the streets plazas squares and other public gathering places the residents of Teckelstein were gathering to sing and pray since many of those devices were sensitive to thoughts and notions and wishes of love faith and hope.
Friendly dragons were firing up odd steam devices covered with symbols of inlay mithril and othr mythical magical metals.
A flight of bluebirds was circling the central lake shedding blessings. Phoenixes were donating plumage for great workings and amongst all this one small black and tan hound studied the skies as Teckelstein moved across around or through subspace the shattered wreckage of forgotten worlds hyperspace and high places unspace and chaotic places and strange voids racing towards Earth and its sun powering up for the leap to the Node.
Gentle reades of all the strange devices and technologies and machinery Teckelsteins use the most powerful of all is the improbability drive for it works on an influx of love faith and hope a trinity more powerful than science or magic so as our characters and plot lines slowly converge to a final battle send you your wishes prayers and thoughts and repeat the magic words.
If rock could steam Teckelstein would look like a comet.
At the moment the shields were glowing various engines were throbbing humming vibrating shaking and overloading. Psionic amplifier crystals blazed as if stars were in their hearts or whole galaxies and perhaps given the strange places the crystals had been collected across the multiverse perhaps some of those stones did hold astronomical entities. The improbability drive was shivering rainbows. Out in the streets plazas squares and other public gathering places the residents of Teckelstein were gathering to sing and pray since many of those devices were sensitive to thoughts and notions and wishes of love faith and hope.
Friendly dragons were firing up odd steam devices covered with symbols of inlay mithril and othr mythical magical metals.
A flight of bluebirds was circling the central lake shedding blessings. Phoenixes were donating plumage for great workings and amongst all this one small black and tan hound studied the skies as Teckelstein moved across around or through subspace the shattered wreckage of forgotten worlds hyperspace and high places unspace and chaotic places and strange voids racing towards Earth and its sun powering up for the leap to the Node.
Gentle reades of all the strange devices and technologies and machinery Teckelsteins use the most powerful of all is the improbability drive for it works on an influx of love faith and hope a trinity more powerful than science or magic so as our characters and plot lines slowly converge to a final battle send you your wishes prayers and thoughts and repeat the magic words.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Two Englishmen
Two Englishmen
... mmm ... well one's sorta Anglo-Irish but ...
In a place that is between worlds even when worlds converge there is a wood full of ponds that are portals in one section but there is also beyond a small pond and river a village and in that village a house on a hill with a large tree in the garden framing a view of a distant mountain. In that house two English men were having afternoon tea. There was ham and cheese and sandwiches and scones and berries and cream and a pot of tea which was always the right temperature and coffee that was never bitter and other delights. One of them had a pipe full of tobacco which never made you sick and really did have a fragant aroma and was blowing smoke rings. The other was looking out the window.Their wives who were out in the garden tending herbs waved up at him.
"Jack the mail is about to arrive!"
A moment later a very large pigeon wearing a WWII pilots cap came through the window and perched on the tea tables edge patiently waiting for an reward of hot buttered scone as the man called jack untied the message scroll from the bird.
"Ron duty calls!"
The two men got up from the teatable donned sensible woollen jackets with really useful deep pockets and picked up walking sticks made of a wood from a tree of the sort spirits dwell in and stranger creatures.
A small unicorn tossed its mane at them in greeting as they crossed into the forest and approached a pond from which steam was rising. It showed a mass of swirling red and black clouds and a planetoid surrounded by a force field appraoching Earths sun with ramscoops extended to collect plasma to restart fusion reactors and odder devices .
"Mmm Teckelstein's powering up for something."
Next powering up ...
... mmm ... well one's sorta Anglo-Irish but ...
In a place that is between worlds even when worlds converge there is a wood full of ponds that are portals in one section but there is also beyond a small pond and river a village and in that village a house on a hill with a large tree in the garden framing a view of a distant mountain. In that house two English men were having afternoon tea. There was ham and cheese and sandwiches and scones and berries and cream and a pot of tea which was always the right temperature and coffee that was never bitter and other delights. One of them had a pipe full of tobacco which never made you sick and really did have a fragant aroma and was blowing smoke rings. The other was looking out the window.Their wives who were out in the garden tending herbs waved up at him.
"Jack the mail is about to arrive!"
A moment later a very large pigeon wearing a WWII pilots cap came through the window and perched on the tea tables edge patiently waiting for an reward of hot buttered scone as the man called jack untied the message scroll from the bird.
"Ron duty calls!"
The two men got up from the teatable donned sensible woollen jackets with really useful deep pockets and picked up walking sticks made of a wood from a tree of the sort spirits dwell in and stranger creatures.
A small unicorn tossed its mane at them in greeting as they crossed into the forest and approached a pond from which steam was rising. It showed a mass of swirling red and black clouds and a planetoid surrounded by a force field appraoching Earths sun with ramscoops extended to collect plasma to restart fusion reactors and odder devices .
"Mmm Teckelstein's powering up for something."
Next powering up ...
Monday, 1 July 2013
Back Soon Gentlebeings
A NORMAL which is probably NOT the RIGHT WORD posting schedule will presume soon. Your scribe has been dealing with a death ib the family and is feeling functionally numb. She has however been rereading prior oosts and invites you to do the same .... Meanwhile over on Respite Street people are getting ready for a big fight scene ...and in Teckelstein .... Next time ....
Thursday, 13 June 2013
DEATH IS A PLOT DISRUPTION ! A Member of our scribes family has died so no posts until next week meanwhile read sone older posts and hit the follow button to support our scribe
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Breaking thru the Frame Goldie Image
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copyright julie vaux 2013 |
Thursday, 23 May 2013
The Wizards of London
and burning too!
and the resident wizards are not happy!
Sassy Goldie and Jonahexed had intended to park Lady Zen Shipper at the park at the end of Respite Street.
The street however was a smouldering ruin with fires still burning in some houses, others destroyed completely, and the surface of the street cracked and split with holes and impact craters.
"where are all the people?" cried Sassy, "oh no, Reg, Her, Dr. A!"
"One of those piles of rubble is moving?" Fluvia stated.
A metallic arm could be seen punching upwards moving rubble aside. Very soon a cyborg housewife wearing a charred frilly apron could been seen smashing rubble and heard screaming too.
"My garden! My garden!"
Reg was the next to emerge from the cellar moving over to the part of the rubble apparently covering his taxi and was using his levitators to bob up and down in a manner both erratic and irate.
"My taxi! My beautiful cab! OY! I just had her waxed polished last week! #$!@##@$#%$$@!"
JonaHexed pointed towards the centre of the city.
The ground was churning. Roads leading towards the city were rippling and cracking. Something was moving under the ground. The buildings of the city were moving too shaking and swaying. Tentacles were rising from the ground. Burning tentacles belonging to some being with a biochemistry allowing it to have a body temperature so high its touch burnt and melted everything around it.
The Subchthonic races were rising to the surface.
Squads of angry archaeozooic reptilians awakened from hibernation were also rampaging the streets along with survivors from buried alien shipwrecks and mole like people and pale skinned subterranean adapted hominids plus a light scattering of fast and slow swarms of zombies.
Directly below them other survivors were climbing up out of the ruins.
Dr A was amongst them and he was very unhappy with a look that could quall civil servants of several ranks. He was so angry he was actually visibly using magic. Fires were going out around him and frost forming on the ground immediately about him.
"Should we be worried that Dr. A might be going dark?" asked Fluvia.
"There's one than one Wizard in London," stated JonaHexed.
"So?" asked Fluvia.
"Yes there they are walking up the street towards us!" replied JonaHexed pointing at a group walking towards them. The group included a beraggled middle aged mage with what could only be called dirty blonde hair in a rather grotty trench coat who was smoking, the owner of a shop that was really more a storage unit for arcane items, and some clearly upper class individual with an air of authority in a very expensive but well kept older coat and suit. He had an apprentice with him a young man part West African in appearance but all Londoner.
The smoker stopped walking opened his mouth to speak and begun to his horror to cough and wheeze.
The others glared at him and one of them muttered cynically
" ... well that proves the Laws of Magic have changed his anti-lung damage spell has stopped working."
"I don't suppose ..." asked the authoritative looking man "Young Timothy or any of the Potters have shown up amongst this chaos or that fellow from Chicago or that New York based mage or any of the Merlins?"
"I am here!" snapped Dr. A giving them a look that could have turned Epping Forest into a barren polar waste.
"We're here too!" remarked Sassy with distracting cheeriness sensing a possible fight.
There was an equally distracting hissing noise in the distance as larges wave suddenly surged up out of the Thames and its tributaries putting out many of the fires in the city.
"ah the Ladies of the River have taken action!" remarked the man in the old but stylish overcoat.
"some one is going to pay for the damage to my triffid collection!" snarled Dr. A who was glaring at the ruins of his house and garden.
"AH" cooed fluvia using her most seductively dangerous tone of voice,"speaking about that perhaps you gentlemen would like to assist us ...?"
to be continued sooner or later
fan fiction,
julie vaux,
serial novel,
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Next and next and next
Next next and next
Fluvia was in deep planning mode with the extended Adjunct clan.
A world in which all alternate universes and fictionalities along with other realms continuing to converge was dangerous to everyone. Death could become final and not dependent on rewrites or retro continuity or how popular your character was. Also there were now fairies at the bottom of the garden and not necessarily the nice flowery ones. The distant yelping and shrieking of tormented animals could be heard and that was just under the tea table as Goldie and the dodos fought over scraps and tidbits.
"So..." stated Fluvia, "its agreed we use Lady Zen to get to the Node and fight to make sure one of us is at the front of the queque or brawl or civil war to make the first wish and ..." dark clouds suddenly appeared overhead tinting the daylight with ominous overtones, "Oh that's ... not good." The dark clouds begun to swirling and glow as if they were ash around a fire.
"There's no smiting scheduled!" cried one character.
"Weaponry!" cried another running towards the house, "we need guns!"
A bolt of something like plasma struck downwards vaporizing most of the house and setting fire to the rest and then a minute later a second carved a message into a hillside facing the house.
"New Product! The Schnittatron. Don't wait for Divine wrath! Take your revenge NOW!! Darkoverlord Today! Brought to you by giantmegacolossalcorp! Ha!ha!ha!"
"oh really!" yelped Sassy, "who carves evil laughter? Your series villians are really tasteless!"
JonaHexed pointed up at the sky. The clouds were swirling and glowing again!
"Run they havnt finished! To the ship now!"
The humans raced over the lawn but the most of the dodos panickd and run around in circles shrieking.
"PLOCK! plock PLOCK! plock!"
"Pickie here girl marshmallows!"
Another bolt of pseudodivine wrath struck.
"oh Pickie!" wept several people.
Happily a small flock of slightly smouldering dodos wandered out of the smoke surrounding the impact crater from the bolt in a manner even more dazed and confused than usual for small reconstructed from extinction avians.
"Everyone aboard now!" ordered Fluvia.
Even the dodos complied with a little help from Sassy bravely ignoring the risk of incineration and racing out to round up and herd the dodos to the ship.
Lady Zen Shipper raced from the outskirt sof Swindon towards London followed by dark clouds.
fan fiction,
fluvia canta,
serial novel,
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
DRM and Dodos.
DRM and dodos to the rescue!
Maybe we just crossed a cloud of Dark Matter?"
observed Fluvia staring out at the gloom beyond the windows at the rolling and roiling darkness.
An abstract object that looked like a sculpture of a syllable with a plus sign at one side followed by a whole word that moved like a thread dangling down from something.
"Holy Muses a discarded morph and a dangling participle!" screamed one character.
"A what?" asked Goldie. Despite being multilingual a grasp of actual formal grammar was not one of her gifts.
"Couldn't this just mean we're near the textual ocean in you know which world?" asked Sassy as a phrasal verb drifted past followed by a uniliteral glyph, a string of Unicode, and a line of HTML 3.
"Or this could Dark Read Materia?" replied Fluvia still staring out the window,
"oh there's a dodo out there! Who'd discard one of those? They're valuable?"
"it's not a Wonderland dodo ... but that style looks ...it's Pickwickie!" squealed Goldie in gleeful recognition.
If we can catch her and tie a line to her we can use her as a resonance point and get back to Swindon. Well a version of Swindon and that will get us closer to London!" exclaimed JonaHexed manfully.
Some time later JonaHexed stood in an open airlock holding a lasso while Fluvia lured toward Lady Zen with offerings of marshmallows.
"Here Pickwickie Marshmallows!"
"Plock? Plockplockplock?!"
"Come on Pickie time to go home! Just follow the trail of marshmallows!"
JonaHexed flung out the lasso and lured the dodo a bird of very little brain given the size of her head in proportion to her body.
"That's a good small blue reconstructed avian! Eat those mallows! Want some more?
"Plock PLOCK plock?"
"Home Pickie! Remember Thursday! and the day after that?"
"Plock! Plock! Plock!" cried the Dodo excitedly.
"and you remember the day after Monday?"
"PLOCK!Plock!plock!" The dodo ran around in circles panicking.
"Well now you've gone and frightened her!" snapped Sassy.
"Pickwickie oh pickie time to go home come on girl head for home!
Something almost like a thought flickered briefly in the dodo's eyes.
"Remember Thursday Pickwickie? Home! Please!"
The dodo raised her head and sniffed for something.
"Yes Pickwickie Thursday Swindon Home home girl home!
The clouds parted and the dodo ran towards a patch of green.
With a terrible thump Lady Zen was dragged along behind her and landed on the lawn of a small mansion.
The dodo was racing towards a terrace at one side where people were having afternoon tea.
Sassy Goldie and Fluvia hurried towards them and paused at the edge of the terrace.
There seemed to be two or three versions of every person there including the dodos. One type was eating birdseed but another group wearing glasses were standing on a table reading newspapers.
"Hello?"asked Fluvia," would anyone here happen to be named after a day of the week, particularly the day after Wednesday?"
"I am!" "No I am! "But I am too!"
Fluvia snatched a news paper from the dodos who squawked indignantly.
The headline read WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE!
One of the people named after a day of the week held up some kind of digital tablet.
"Wow Apple are negotiating a merger with Starktech!"
"Uh some place called Ryleh is sending ambassadors to the UN?"
And some madwoman dressed in steam punk clothes attacked the producers of Doctor Who screaming "Stop damaging my paintwork"
( Yes readers I warned you some events were narrated to me out of sequence. Apparently the You know Who's travel device stopped off at Cardiff to get her revenge for the number of times she's been damaged the last few seasons but that was AFTER she got the messages ... now the girls tell me!)
"Right," commanded Fluvia "Next next and next we need you! and here's why .."
to be continued sooner or later at the usual erratic pace.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
One last name or more?
One last name.
"so who's the final invite to this party?"
asked Sassy looking up earnestly at Fluvia.
Fluvia stopped and squinted at the list.
"I strongly suspect there are a couple of more names under these stains!"
Goldie peered up at the list.
"Shall we just do the one we ca ... look the letters are changing as I read them!"
Lady Zen Shipper suddenly turned and there was a terrible ugly noise if she was being dragged along something rough and nasty.
Some one shouted.
"The walls are fading!"
"No no they're closing in!"
"I'm melting!"
"No it's a reality reset!"
The walls returned only now they seemed to be made of tinted glass though there was a clear area where a viewing screen had been showing a mass of roiling darkness.
Jonahexed shuddered and went into frantic explanotary mode.
"Someonewastalkingabouthisbackatheclub ... I ... I think we dropped below a critical reader threshold and have been sucked into the Dark Recycling Maelstrom!"
Readers shout out for Teckelstein!
Don't blame me I'm just the scribe.
Next time dodos and imaginary friends and other wierd stuff.
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